Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I'm totally obssessed with gorillas these days. Ever since we shot a scene with gorillas at the Granby Zoo for the show I work on. They're so intelligent, so like us in their mannerisms, in the look in their eyes. It's amazing to see them up close and spend a whole afternoon with them.

Gorillas actually use tools in the wild. And I even witnessed them do it in the zoo. They make tools out of branches and rocks. They fish with them, or find food, or check the depth of water. They also laugh when tickled or when play-fighting. One gorilla in captivity even learned sign language. Their DNA is 97-98% identical to that of a human.

And unfortunately, like so many species, they're seriously endangered. It makes me so sad to think that they may be wiped off the planet one day. It always makes me sad to think that they have been poached for hundreds of years. They're such a pacifist animal. And we humans are such horrible predators.

I think I might adopt a gorilla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salut Julie, j'avais hate que tu donnes de tes nouvelles. Comment va l'entrainement? Est-ce qu'on doit comprendre que tu fais le plein de bonnes causes en plus de la recherche pour le cancer du sein, maintenant les gorilles. Est-ce que tu penses un peu à toi?