Monday, March 19, 2007

In a mood

It's weird, I've been insanely busy in the past little while and instead of wanting to vent on my blog about it, I've been in the mood to just hide away from the rest of the world. By the time 8pm rolls around, the last thing I want to do is still be at my computer writing. So I've been neglecting "say it all" and my fantastic readers, that is to say, my friends.

But there's one thing I've been meaning to write about for the past week, ever since my birthday actually...

As we get older, we tend to know more precisely what we want out of life, and what we expect out of those around us. Our relationships evolve and we go through a selection process during our twenties. We keep only the people who fit our profile and with whom we get along and have the most in common. That's how it is for me anyway...there are people who were my friends in highschool or in university who aren't anymore, not because they're not cool enough for me, but simply because we just don't really have anything in common. That's not to say that I don't make new friends, I do, but I'm just more choosy.

In turn, that would mean that the old friends who are still hanging around, are great friends, who are very close to me. And the farther back they go, the more I'm convinced that they "fit my profile", in other words, that they truly mean the world to me. So this is a tribute to my oldest friend ever, Virginie.

We literally grew up together, because we really start growing up in highschool. If I ever go into politics, the stories she could tell about me would certainly ruin my career. But she would never do that, because the best thing about all this is, that even though she knows everything about me, she still loves me, and she still listens and cares. And I still care.

We fit each other's profiles.


jp said...

Ca semble vraiment t'avoir affectée d'avoir eu 29 ans ou alors que tes amies se soient présentées à ta fête. Il s'est passé quelque chose pour que tu sois si introspective ou ca toujours été une partie de toi. Peu importe, c'est bien de réfléchir et de faire des constats sur sa vie de temps en temps. Ca permet de mieux se situer pour aller de l'avant. Je dis ça mais c'est pas toujours facile à faire. I know.

Julie said...

En fait, je suis beaucoup plus introspective ces temps-ci. C'est dû à l'accident de voiture que j'ai eu il y a un mois, à une charge de travail intense, et au fait d'avoir eu 29 ans.
c'est bien, oui, mais c'est lourd aussi. Je m'épuise...

Anonymous said...

wow... What can I say. I haven't been reading your post for a week now, and what a surpise to read this. What a sweet, touching surprise. Can I even say diddo without sounding like a "Ghost" cliché ?
All I can tell you is that I cannot envision my life in 1 year from now, in 10, or for the rest of it, without you, Jules, at the forefront, still embarking in the many adventures we have coming our way...
Love you xoxo